Attraction Stats

Location: Future World, Epcot

Type: Interactive Show

Length: 10 minutes

Audience: Toddlers, Kids

Open since November 16, 2004

3 Stars Out of 5 Rating

A Good Attraction, But Don't Wait Too Long

Have a question for the totally bodacious Crush? Head to The Seas with Nemo and Friends Pavilion at Epcot. On the first floor, you will find Turtle Talk with Crush, an interactive show that lets guests have a one-of-a-kind interaction with everyone’s favorite turtle.

In this computer-animated show, Crush talks and interacts with the audience. Crush will ask little ones and adults questions about the human world, and his responses are usually hilarious. Thanks to this improvised nature, no two shows will be alike. The effect of talking to Crush and having him talk back is extremely impressive. If your child is a fan of Finding Nemo, there is a good chance that his or her mind will be blown.

For families with kids, this attraction is a must-do. For adults, Turtle Talk with Crush is definitely entertaining and worth checking out, but might not be a top priority.

Tips and Trivia

  • This attraction uses state of the art technology to allow Crush to be interactive. This technology can also be seen at Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor at Magic Kingdom.
  • Shows run continuously throughout the day. Show up at least 15 minutes before showtime to get a good spot.
  • You don’t have to ride The Seas with Nemo and Friends to enter the aquarium to get to the entrance of Turtle Talk. Just go left of the line for Nemo to enter the aquarium.